Steve Reid-Drums Kierran Hebdan-Electronics Boris Netsvetaev-Organ, Moog, Electric Piano Chuck Henderson-Soprano Sax John Edwards-Double Bass Tony Bevan-Bass Sax
hi there! i really enjoy your blog. I was wondering if you could enable the link for this post? I'm sure it's superfluous to ask, but have you heard other collaborative efforts (the exchange sessions) of Steve Reid & Fourtet?
hi there! i really enjoy your blog. I was wondering if you could enable the link for this post?
I'm sure it's superfluous to ask, but have you heard other collaborative efforts (the exchange sessions) of Steve Reid & Fourtet?
I'd appreciate a re up on this too :)
As way of recompense there's another Steve Reid post on my blog for you (if you aint already got it)
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
I read about it some days ago in another blog and the main things that you mention here are very similar
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